Politics can sometimes feel overwhelming or arresting. We’re here to support our community through action.

Our mission is to create a strong and informed community in representing Barry, Dade, Jasper, Newton, McDonald, and Lawrence Counties.

Upcoming events

  • Truman Days


    Lawrence County Democrats will be hosting the 7th and 4th District Democrats at the annual Truman Days BBQ, located at the Kabell Farm (4049 Highway UU. Miller, MO). Lunch will start at 11:30 AM and meal tickets are $25.

  • Eleanor Roosevelt Dinner


    Elks Lodge (1802 W 26th St. Joplin, MO).

    Cocktails - 6 PM / Dinner - 7 PM

  • Dade County Democrats' Monthly Meeting


    Prairie Station Restaurant in Lockwood, MO. Dinner 5:30, meeting at 6:30.

  • Lawrence/Barry County Democrats' Monthly Meeting


    Angus Branch Steakhouse in Monett, MO. Dinner 5:30, meeting at 7.

  • Newton County Democrats' Monthly Meeting


    Legacy Events Center in Neosho, MO at 6 PM.

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Represent your best interests by registering them first. Follow the link below to register at MO.gov, check your voter registration, or check any upcoming election deadlines.

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You can contribute to Southwest Missouri Democrats through ActBlue by clicking the button below, or by mailing a check to:

Southwest Missouri Democrats

John Hicks, Chair

PO Box 8161

Joplin, MO 64801